This is how I'd summarize the book of Ezekiel ... "bizarre splashed with a bit of glory" ... I'm not a theologian. I don't pretend to be one. I'm not so sure that even the smartest theologian could be 100% confident of the exact meanings for every single symbol found with the pages of Ezekiel's prophecy ...
~HOWEVER~ Throughout this confusing, bizarre book that is full of strange symbols, there are glimpses of plain glory of the Almighty. That's what I want to focus on here. In chapter 2, we see the activity of the Holy Spirit. While this may seem so very trivial, it - actually - isn't. The Holy Spirit's activity in the Old Testament precedes Pentecost in the book of Acts. His activity in the Old Testament testifies to His being an active member of the Godhead. This, to me, speaks of His eternality & His immutability. For someone with MAJOR trust issues, this is a huge comfort. In chapter 3, we see Ezekiel astonished/amazed/overwhelmed. There are times for the child of God when being in the very presence of God is just gloriously overwhelming. In chapter 5, we see God as being jealous for us, His people. In fact, one of the names of God is El Qanna, the God who is jealous. Jealousy is, usually, negative; however, jealousy can be holy ... and even, glorious ... especially when the root of that jealousy is love. Love that longs for us to hold fast to the LORD above all else. In chapter 11, we see Ezekiel cry out in desperation to God. We, then, see God's heart revealed a few verses later when He reveals His greater redemptive purposes. Chapter 16 begins by reiterating God's love for His people. When God entered into covenant with me, He cleansed/washed/anointed me. I became HIS! God clothed me with His finest clothes, the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Oh the glory to BELONG!!!! Contrary to some Christian traditions & denominational teachings, there's glorious hope and healing to be found in verses like Ezekiel 18:32 (& many others like it) that say God doesn't take pleasure in the eternal death of the wicked. Our LORD isn't a sadist! Any one who says God gets pleasure out of the eternal death of the wicked need to spend more time reading Scripture. In Ezekiel 34, we see the glory of our beautiful Shepherd. Yes, I am His sheep! The last verse in this bizarre book found within the canon of Sacred Writ is my favourite because it gives an amazing summary that is full of glory ... and comfort! "The LORD is there" ... Jehovah-Shammah. In the middle of the most difficult of circumstances, in the bizarre & confusing events of life, the LORD is there! While there's a lot in the book of Ezekiel that I don't understand, the few things I took away from reading this book are things I never want to lose! Oh, LORD, seal these glorious truths to the depths of my heart. Soli Deo Gloria! A fellow pilgrim!
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