2020 has been on the hardest years most of us have faced in our lives. Many have labeled 2020 as a dumpster fire. In many ways, I must confess I agree with these folks. In the midst of this global pandemic that has changed & devastated so many lives, there have been many LIFE LESSONS to take from 2020 into 2021 ... and hopefully, into every day of my life until I meet my LORD face to face.
JANUARY: * Freedom Session (FS) began with my cousin, Laura. Although freedom & healing are still in process, I discovered that I wasn't alone. God hadn't abandoned me, and I had family who were/are passionate about my freedom in Christ. They are passionate about me living out my purpose in life, too. * Some of the best friendships are developed through the daily-ness of life ... FEBRUARY: * Not too long into my FS journey, I began to find FS parallels within the pages of Scripture. Although the journey wasn't easy, there was a peaceful chaos within my soul knowing that the principles of FS could be found within Scripture. * "The only RIGHT answer is an HONEST answer." This quote STILL resonates loudly within my soul because I'm a people pleaser. * My heart began to love and yearn for a place I've never been: CANADA. * Jesus is the greatest Valentine of all! * Prayer has always intimidated me; however, "prayer is sometimes as simple as just being with God." MARCH: * It's okay to like myself & to celebrate the gifts & strengths that God's given me. * Jesus reveals what He's willing to heal. * I must ask God into the hurt & lies of my life. * Not everything I think or write needs to be made known, even if it is true. * "He <God> is more than enough, and you have HIM." * I am created to worship God. * God's true people do not condemn you because of your past. APRIL: * Jesus' proclamation of TETELESTAI on Calvary was for all that was/is wrong in life ... past/present/future. * LEAN IN! to God and others. Learn to truly listen & see. * God is the God of hesed - steadfast love! I met some AMAZING sisters in Christ from Sioux Lookout, Ontario, Canada, during an online ZOOM retreat. My world was rocked & changed in ways I cannot describe. * Miracles still happen! MAY: * Learn to see myself as God sees me. * Begin to pray SPECIFIC, not vague, prayers. * God's so much bigger & greater than what I ever knew! JUNE & JULY: * ASSIST Canada & its mission gripped my soul through online prayer meetings & mission reports. The harvest is, indeed, plentiful. Oh, LORD, do a work & equip me to go. AUGUST: * God put a passion in my soul ... I must fulfill His calling, even if I go alone. * My world great even more with a Philippians Bible study. From one side of Canada to the other, I saw God be honoured and glorified like never before! * Heaven rules! SEPTEMBER: * I can REST in the fact that God is El Shama - the God who hears me. * I must devote my entire life to truly knowing God. OCTOBER: * I am NOT called to a blind faith. * "My great business in life is to please God." This Hudson Taylor quote/life motto should characterize my life. * BE LIGHT! * I must run to God, even when I'm alone in my passion for His ministry. NOVEMBER: * Focus on what I'm to do, NOT on what I don't have. * Psalm 73:28 "The nearness of God is my good." * Art is a great distraction & a way for me to monitor my words. * Set practical SMART goals & attain them. DECEMBER: * God is big enough for my questions. Rely on the Holy Spirit. * The Holy Spirit is my truth & lie detector. * Jesus must be the goal of my life & pursuits. * Faith doesn't have to be complicated to be deep. * I am BEAUTIFUL in God's sight. I am WANTED, APPRECIATED, & LOVED by God. I am a COMPETENT person by God's grace. I am a RIGHTEOUS person, COVERED by Christ's purity/goodness/righteousness. I am SECURE in Christ. * Sometimes freedom in your journey comes through purging that which you though you couldn't live without. * God still answers REAL prayers! As this very difficult year comes to an end and a new year begins, how I long for a greater work of God ... a greater love for God ... a renewed spirit to press on by His grace ... How I long to see more prayers answered & more miracles happen! To God be the glory! Great things He hath done!
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December 2024