January 2023 felt like an absolute whirlwind. The LORD used a random, somewhat desperate and anxiety-filled text message to open the opportunity of a lifetime. That afternoon, I discovered the eternal purpose for which I was created.
But to somewhat understand this journey, I need to back track a bit to a time when my life felt totally dark. In 2020, I was talking to Laura. I was in a dark place, mentally. In our conversation, she spoke of the struggles of the First Nations peoples across Canada and the United States. The horrors of what these beautiful people have endured stuck in my mind ... and I've longed to be someone who could possibly companion them on their journey. Why? I've known, in part, some of their struggles firsthand. During the COVID shut down and restrictions, my world was enlarged as I was honored to be a part of many ZOOM meetings with sisters across all of Canada. One such sister has become a dear friend ... Krystal and I have only grown closer since that initial "meeting" on ZOOM. What Laura and Krystal didn't realize was just how dark my world felt. That night during the ZOOM meeting, Krystal said: "There is enough room in this world for everyone's unique gifts, talents, and abilities. Just because someone else is doing it doesn't mean you shouldn't." This statement took hold in the deep recesses of my soul. And it stuck! My relationship with Krystal has developed into a unique sisterhood. We've walked with one another through different things, even though we live so far apart. As the valley grew darker in 2021-2022, I began walking through some mental health issues and as I said goodbye to my father, the LORD provided Just Enough Light for the next step. He used a handful of people to provide His light. Laura and Krystal have been two of His divine instruments of light. Krystal and I *FINALLY* got to meet face-to-face on July 3, 2022. The reality of our friendship and sisterhood became so much more real than I had dreamed when we finally met. Conversations about ministry, life, and faith lingered ... and ministered grace to my weary heart. These conversations embedded a small seed of hope and a small flicker of light into my soul. After I returned home from Canada, the LORD continued to provide Just Enough Light ... some days, all I could do was breathe and cry. The grace God provided as He paved the way for me to start seeing a therapist and to get my medicine started (and regulated). A few weeks after starting therapy and medication, I heard a sermon by Kevin, Laura's husband. He spoke of a need for English speakers to go to Tbilisi, Georgia (the COUNTRY). I began working on getting my resume built and investigating what I needed to do to actually move to Tbilisi. I was able to contact a pastor in Tbilisi ... and I set my face towards Georgia. A select few of my closest people were told about my desire to move abroad. My people committed to pray ... We were all praying! Health concerns that have been - and continue to be - chronic for years seem to have closed the door for me to go to Tbilisi. Honestly, I was heartbroken ... but I knew that the LORD was at work within my soul. Hope slowly ... very slowly ... began to be restored. In the darkness of what felt like a life without an eternal purpose, the LORD - through His people - provided Just Enough Light for the next few steps to be taken. Through photography, the LORD began to bring calm. Peace. Stillness. And healing. I felt so unworthy and unqualified to take pictures of anyone or anything (for other people); however, Krystal's quote served as Just Enough Light for me to take that step with my photography ... and I haven't looked back. MJDickson Photography was born. Fall turned to winter ... and Christmas 2022 was one I will never, ever forget! I watched in absolute awe and wonder as the LORD gave me the desires of my heart as I was surrounded by calm. Peace. Joy .. and love beyond measure. As 2022 faded away and 2023 dawned, I found joy and a deep purpose being fulfilled as I sought to help one of my people as she faced some medical issues. Although I looked into becoming a non-medical caregiver, the LORD had other plans. I knew the only thing I could do was rest. Be still ... and know that He alone is God. As I continued to do "the next thing" with my cleaning business, therapy goals/homework, church ... I discovered the healing my soul needed was to be found in being faithful with the small things. Just Enough Light was granted so I could rest in knowing that I was secure, no matter the path that the Lord had for my life. January 18th is the day that my world was unbelievably rocked as the LORD opened the doors for me to serve alongside Todd (Krystal's husband) and Krystal through Indian Life Ministries. As their Customer (Donor) Relations Liaison, grant writer, unofficial proofreader ... and whatever else I do ... my heart is so full. I am in awe of what God is doing as He is using my art, my writing, my photography, and even my past for His glory. The Father has known all along that this was the path that He had for me. And I am amazed! Humbled! Dumbfounded! You, my Friend, can read about Indian Life Ministries by going to our website https://www.indianlife.org ... If you feel led to partner with us, that information is available on our website. May I ask you to support ILM in prayer?? Satan, the enemy of our souls, utterly HATES what and who we stand for! BUT GOD! 1 John 4:4 reminds us that "greater is He [Jesus Christ] that is in us than he [Satan] that is in the world." I will be creating a personal ministry newsletter entitled Just Enough Light. If you are interested in receiving Just Enough Light via email, please comment with your email address. You can also email me at [email protected] to let me know. TO GOD BE THE GREATEST GLORY! HE IS WORTHY!
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December 2024