I am glad that September is over! In the heaviness, there have been many life lessons ... and many days of grace.
As summer fades and fall emerges, the cooler temps arrive. Leaves are changing color, just before falling to the ground. And we're reminded that life is always changing. Nothing stays the same. Well-known pastors continue to bring reproach to the name of Christ by the heretical words they speak or by the hypocritical lives they live. And people's lives are changed. Their foundations shaken, cracked, and crumbled. Careers change ... from cleaning to caregiving ... While most have supported this very personal -and needed- change, others have met me with cold-hearted cruelty. While I wasn't entirely surprised -because red flags have been present throughout the years- the depth of cruelty was shocking, and the relationship is no more. Needless controversies within churches plague the landscape of the western church, and people walk away ... not realizing that we don't have to agree on every single thing ... pastors are discouraged. Members are grieved ... and the Body of Christ suffers. We'd do well to learn from the Church in other parts of the world!!! Natural disasters ... Wildfires, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods. Life forever changes. Landscapes are altered, infrastructure is destroyed, and lives are lost. And nothing is the same. A new normal must be built, quite literally, from the ground up. An unfavorable medical report. Alzheimer's, cancer, dementia, a stroke, PTSD. It happens every single day. And lives are changed. In desperation, one storms the halls of Heaven. Begging for a miracle, and the Healer of Heaven is seemingly quiet. And life is forever altered. The summary of September is simple. CHANGE HAPPENS. Sometimes, the changes happen slowly. Other times, it happens so suddenly that you can barely breathe. How do we find stability? How do we SUCCESSFULLY live in the midst of that which is so unstable? By learning to rest ... in the One who is the Anchor for our souls. The Rock who never shakes, never breaks. Living one day, one moment, at a time. By preaching the Gospel to ourselves. Reminding our souls of the truths that are never changing. Truths like: Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, & forevermore. We aren't promised tomorrow. The trials of this life are for our sanctification ... for our good & for His glory, no matter the outcome. Jesus is still good, kind, and faithful. What about people who don't have a relationship with Jesus? Honestly, I have no idea how they face this life without Him!! Jesus alone is LIFE'S ONE CONSTANT. Life's ONLY constant. No matter what the last three months of 2024 hold, I pray you and I are wholly tethered to Jesus alone. And may He alone receive all the glory and honor that is due to His great name! Soli Deo Gloria!
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December 2024