There’s no denying that this life … it’s just incredibly hard, at times. Diseases like dementia, Alzheimer's, cancer, and a whole bunch more plague our mortal bodies. Despair robs us of any sense of peace, rest, and joy. Death comes … and loved ones are left with a void so deep that mere time doesn’t heal. Add to that the financial hardships, the mental/emotional turmoil, the state of the economy, and the spiritual struggles we face … yes! Life is hard.
That’s not the end of the story, though! Not for the Christian! For us who know Jesus in a personal relationship, there’s supernatural grace to rest … come what may. And I came here to talk to you about it today. We finished up ~uh, I think, we finished~ the book of 1 Thessalonians in Sunday School today. And in a way that can only be described as a “God-thing,” it tied in beautifully with this morning’s sermon … taken from Romans 8:28-30. In both passages (1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 and Romans 8:28-30), the Apostle Paul reveals that the sufferings of this life aren’t in vain. That there is a purpose … and he, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, gently shifts our gaze. From this life to the one that is to come. A life that will have no sorrow, sickness, pain or death. What is that purpose? To conform us into the image of Jesus Christ. Um, okay. I know some are saying it because I've said it ... and I'm known for saying out loud what others think but don't say ... so let me say it here: That’s all well and good … but … what about TODAY?! As one of my best friends grieves the recent loss of her brother. As friends -who are my family, both of whom I completely adore- are facing major health challenges. As unspoken goodbyes bring an end to one’s hope of restoration. As the Christian fights with all they have every single day to stay mentally well. And so much more. What about today?! How can we -as Christians- rest? How can we know with absolute certainty that what God says, what He has promised, will happen? Friend, we can rest -even in our todays, however hard they may be- because we have a sovereign God! We can rest in His character! And because He is TOTALLY sovereign, we can rest in His Word, His promises … We can rest IN HIM. 1 Thessalonians 5:24 tells us plainly that the LORD will bring His Word to pass. So, if we can rest in Him with that which is eternal, I dare say that we can rest in Him with whatever we are facing in this life. Through the grief. Through the uncertainty, fear, anxiety, loss, instability. We can trust Him. And we can learn to rest. Because He’s given us grace to rest. Romans 8:28-30 is a beautifully rich text. We can rest in the LORD because we know His sovereign work is for our good. “Know” in this passage -and all throughout the Sacred Script of God- isn’t just about mere head knowledge and facts. It’s so much deeper. It involves a deep understanding … a humble confidence … and trust. And it’s foundational to the Christian faith. The word “work” in verse 28 is in the aorist tense. That just means it’s an ongoing action. And THAT should, I pray, bring us hope … and a peace that paves the way for us to rest. Because the LORD is continually working on behalf of His children, we can rest in knowing that God doesn’t waste anything. The good. The bad. The ugly. He causes ALL of it to work together for our good and for His glory. Our life details are held in His nail-scarred hands. And are the means by which He sanctifies us … and according to Philippians 1:6, He will see it to completion. As we travel this path, called life, headed to the Celestial City (Heaven), may we do as Pilgrim did in Pilgrim’s Progress … may we press on. Knowing that He who has promised is faithful! May we rest in the One who holds our future in His hands (quite literally … our future bears the shape of nail scars). I need to give 2 disclaimers: (1) The 2 passages today are conditional … I know, I may get a lot of backlash for this & that’s okay … but these passages are NOT universal promises. A simple reading of the text indicates this. These promises are for those who have acknowledged Jesus as LORD & Savior of their lives. So, if you know Jesus personally, these promises are for you. However, if you don’t know Jesus personally, they aren’t for you … not yet, anyway. But I’d love to talk to you about Jesus. Leave me a comment here (it is closely moderated) or email me (with JESUS in the subject line) at [email protected] if you’d like to know more about Jesus. (2) Romans 8:28-30 often causes division among believers due to what’s known as the Doctrines of Grace … I do NOT have any answers as far as what verses 29-30 mean exactly when it comes to God’s sovereignty in salvation. I don’t want to be on one side or the other, honestly. Leaving room for mystery and unanswered questions is okay for me. What I DO know, beyond a shadow of a doubt is that: JESUS paid it all All to HIM I owe Sin had left a crimson stain HE WASHED IT WHITE AS SNOW! And because of Jesus … we have GRACE TO REST … COME WHAT MAY! To the glory of God alone. Soli Deo Gloria!
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December 2024